Publications and Preprints
A. Drew and E. P. S. Shellard, (2023). Radiation from Global Topological Strings using Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Massive Modes, Physical Review D, 107, 043507.
M. Radia, U. Sperhake, A. Drew et al., (2022). Lessons for adaptive mesh refinement in numerical relativity, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 39, 135006.
A. Drew and E. P. S. Shellard, (2022). Radiation from Global Topological Strings using Adaptive Mesh Refinement: Methodology and Massless Modes, Physical Review D, 105, 063517.
T. Andrade, … A. Drew … et al., (2021). GRChombo: An adaptable numerical relativity code for fundamental physics, Journal of Open Source Software, 6(68), 3703.
A. Drew and E. P. S. Shellard, (2023). Radiation from Global Cosmic Strings using Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Proceedings of the Sixteenth Marcel Grossmann Meeting, World Scientific.
White Papers
(R. Alves Batista et al., (2021). EuCAPT White Paper: Opportunities and Challenges for Theoretical Astroparticle Physics in the Next Decade, [arXiV:2110.10074] - Endorser.)
L. Barack, … A. Drew … et al., (2019). Black holes, gravitational waves and fundamental physics: a roadmap, Classical and Quantum Gravity, 36, 143001.
PhD Thesis
A. Drew, (2020). Cosmic String Radiation with Adaptive Mesh Refinement.
Additional Publications, Preprints and Proceedings - Machine Learning and Medical Physics:
Neural networks
A. Drew and A. Heinecke, (2019). Training Neural Machine Translation (NMT) Models using Tensor Train Decomposition on TensorFlow (T3F), arXiv:1911.01933.
Cancer Imaging
N. G. Burnet … A. Drew … et al., (2017) Applying physical science techniques and CERN technology to an unsolved problem in radiation treatment for cancer: the multidisciplinary ‘VoxTox’ research programme, CERN IdeaSquare Journal, 1, 1.
A. Drew et al., (2016) Using computing models from particle physics to investigate dose-toxicity correlations in cancer radiotherapy, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 895.
J. E. Scaife … A. Drew … et al., (2015) Accuracy of manual and automated rectal contours using helical tomotherapy image guidance scans during prostate radiotherapy, Journal of Clinical Oncology, 33, 7_suppl.